Birikim Periodical, which has portrayed an autonomous stand by not engaging with any political formation in Turkish left, could be only example that has established a tradition with its long publication life and its stand alone stand. Starting its publication in March 1975, Birikim Periodical, has closed down just before September 12th, has published 61 periodicals. Starting its publication back again in 1989, the periodical continues its publication with monthly periodicals. “Critic of economic ideology” conceptualization in Birikim Periodical, capitalism and socialism’s similar understanding of social welfare deriving from increase in production is criticised. Instead social liberitarian idea that is to be started to build by plural agents voluntary coupling is advocated. Critic of economic ideology also shows how Birikim conceive about socialism. This commentary which decribes socialism not on production and possesion relations but on production style, at the same time, has serious critics to economic thinking on its own. In this article, a critic is made to capitalist system and traditional socialist interpretation with the economic ideology conceptualization in Birikim and Birikim’s way of defining socialism will be given.