The elderly who are members of precariat are increasingly exposed to irregular, temporary, insecure, low-wage and noncontractual working condition. One of the clearest indicators of this is the disappearance of long-term business relationships of the past and the exposure of the elderly, like all employees, to short-term jobs. This study aims to show to what extent individuals 55-64 and 65+ are exposed to temporary working conditions after the transition to the neoliberal economic policy in Turkey. For this purpose, using the data of TUIK TURKSTAT Household Budget Survey, it was shown in what direction working hours evolved in 1994, 2008 and 2018. In the light of the data, it has been observed that the time spent in the same workplace in about thirty years has gradually shortened in the name of the elderly and aging workforce and the liquid labor force market deprives elderly labor from job and income security