Economics and Law Journal

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts Rules

The journal publishes articles in Turkish and English. 

The submitted manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere before or should not be under assessment for publication.

If the submitted manuscripts are based on a quantitative or qualitative field research, the relevant ethics committee report must be submitted to the journal together with the manuscript. Manuscripts without an ethics committee report will not be evaluated.

Along with the manuscript, the similarity report detailed in the Editorial Policies page should be submitted to the journal.

All responsibility for the published articles belongs to the author(s). 

The publication of translations is decided following the editorial evaluation process.

Manuscripts Style

Manuscripts to be submitted to the Dergipark system, address of the Dergipark. Physical manuscripts should not be sent.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be prepared in “one and a half spaced” and “Times New Roman” font size “12 pt”.

The title of the article must be prepared in two different languages, Turkish and English. It is preferred that the articles should not exceed 10 thousand words with references. English and Turkish abstracts of the articles in the range of 150 – 200 words and keywords should also be included in the article. In the abstract, the scope and purpose of the research should be stated, the method used should be defined and the results obtained should be given briefly. In addition, an extended summary of 750-800 words should be included in the manuscript.

The name(s) of the author(s) should not appear on the first text page of the manuscript, but on the cover-page attached to the manuscript. This cover page should include the title of the manuscript in Turkish and English, the address, telephone number and e-mail address of the author(s). The ORCID number of the author or authors should also be included on this cover page. If the manuscript has more than one author, the author information that the Editor-in-Chief will contact should be indicated on this cover page.


The following statements should be included at the end of the manuscript, taking into account the rules and ethical principles of scientific publication:

Statement of Contribution Rate of Researchers: If there is more than one author in the manuscript, this statement should be added. This statement should include information about how the authors contributed to the article.

Statement of Support and Acknowledgement: Institutions, organisations or individuals who have contributed to the manuscript with support such as project contribution, awards, support, data provision, etc. should be indicated. In addition, if it is necessary to thank institutions, organisations or individuals for their various contributions, it should be added to the statement.

Conflict of Interest Statement: If the article has a single author, conflicts of interest with institutions, organisations or individuals should be stated in this declaration. If the manuscript has more than one author, conflicts of interest between the authors should also be stated in this statement.

Citations and References

The citation format must conform with the APA styles. In case of doubt and for unspecified issues, the APA latest version and the editorial secretariat can be consulted.

In the Text Citation

All references in the main text are indicated by in-text footnote system. The surname of the author or authors, the date of publication and the page number quoted are indicated by opening parentheses in the appropriate place in the text. If the same sources are referred to again in the text, the same method is applied, abbreviations such as a.g.e., a.g.m. should not be used.  Example: (Timur, 2000: 89)

If the name of the cited author appears in the text, there is no need to repeat the author’s name in brackets. Example: Boratav (2018) refers to the period between 1930-1939 as protectionist-statist industrialisation (pp. 63-88).

If the cited source has two authors, the surnames of both authors should be used. Example: (Özkaplan and Lordoğlu, 2018, 112)

If there are more than two authors, the phrase et al. should be used after the surname of the first author. Example: (Makal et al., 2023)

If there is more than one reference, the references should be separated by semicolons. Example: (Timur, 2000: 89; Boratav, 2018, 55)

For explanations that are not deemed appropriate to be included in the text, the footnote method should be used. The above method should also be applied for the references to be made in this footnote.


In the references, only the references cited in the manuscript should be included and alphabetical order should be followed according to the surname of the author.

If more than one work of an author is to be included in the bibliography, the order should be from old to new according to the date of publication. For studies conducted in the same year, the expressions a, b, c. should be used, and these should be the same for references made in the text.

Book Example: Boratav, K. (2018). Türkiye İktisat Tarihi 1908-2015 (23rd ed.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.

Translation Book Example: Gellner, E. (1992) Nations and Nationhood (trans. B. Behar-G. Özdoğan), Istanbul: İnsan Yayınları.

Example of an Article in a Collected Book: Georgeon, F. (2000) “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Gülmek mi?”, Feneglio, I. Ve e Georgeon, F. (der.) Doğu’da Mizah (trans. A. Berktay), Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 28-45.

Article in Journal Makal, A., Kahraman Ersöz, Ö., Yücel, O. Ü. (2023). “Türkiye’de Sendikalar ve Sanat: Açmazlar ve Olanaklar”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(79), 3015-3048. 

Paper Sample: Omdan, A. E. (2003), “Karşılaştırmalı Ekonomi-Politik: Meksika’da Popülizm ve Türkiye’de Devletçilik”, 8. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 3-5 December, Ankara.