Economics and Law Journal

Journal Policies

Ethical Policies

Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal accepts to implement the recommendations and principles in the guidelines developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) on publication ethics. It is mandatory to comply with these principles in the manuscripts to be submitted to the journal.

For the list of relevant guidelines, please see:

Open Access Policy

Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal agrees to implement the recommendations and principles in the “Principles of Openness in Scholarly Publishing and Best Practices” guide developed jointly by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). 

For the full text of the open access guidelines, please see:

Policies on Price, Copyright and Payments

All readers do not pay any fee for access to the archive of Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal, the full texts on the website and the hard copy of the journal. 

The journal is based on CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International open access rules: 

Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal does not pay copyright to authors. Authors agree that they transfer their copyrights to the journal free of charge when they submit an article to the editor-in-chief for publication. The journal may use the submitted articles in electronic and printed versions of the journal.

Authors who submit and publish articles to the Journal do not make any payment to the journal under any name at any stage and under any circumstances.

Retraction Policy

Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal agrees to follow the recommendations and principles in the “Retraction” guidelines developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for retraction, correction, or expression of concerns. 

For the full text of the retraction guidelines, please see:

Archival Policy

All issues and articles of Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal are archived and made available on its own website 

The journal is also available together with all its issues and articles on the DERGİPARK site and  which is a service provided by TÜBİTAK. The DOI numbers of the scientific articles in the journal are provided by the Dergipark system. 

The journal is committed to applying the latest standards of scientific writing. Therefore, there are changes in manuscript standards from time to time and there may be differences in the manuscript requirements in previous issues of the journal. For instance, English title and abstract and extended abstract were not included in the article requirements in previous issues. In addition, the DOI number system has been introduced since the 73rd issue. The articles in the journal archive are included in their original form on the date of publication.

Similarity Report

The author is obliged to send the report taken from  or  excluding the bibliography, together with the text of the article to the editor-in-chief. The similarity rate in this report should be maximum 20 per cent. Articles with a similarity rate above this rate or without a similarity report sent by the author will not be included in the evaluation process and will be rejected. 

The author is fully responsible for the production and content of the similarity report. In cases where it is stated that the similarity above 20 per cent is necessarily due to exceptional reasons such as the subject of the article or the methods and techniques used in the article, the field editors evaluate the author’s justifications on this issue and make a final decision on whether the article will be submitted to the referee process.

Manuscripts Review Process

Çalışma ve Toplum (Labour and Society) journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. A double-blind referee system is applied in the journal. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are firstly reviewed by the editor-in-chief and then by the field editors, with the author’s information concealed, in terms of compliance with the scope of the journal’s publication, scientific ethics, narrative and spelling rules. Authors of articles found inappropriate are notified by the editor-in-chief via e-mail.

The manuscripts deemed appropriate for the journal as a result of the blind review by the field editors are submitted to the Editorial Board and sent separately to two referees who are recognised for their scientific studies in the field. The referees evaluate the manuscript on the basis of the article evaluation form and decide on one of the following results: “published without correction”, “published with correction” or “not suitable for publication”. Authors may be asked to make some corrections in their manuscripts in line with the referee reports. Referee reports are evaluated by the field editors and in case of doubt, options such as appointing a new referee and submitting the manuscript to the editorial board may be applied. Information regarding the decision of the Editorial Board and/or the editorial director and referee evaluations are sent to the author’s e-mail by the editor-in-chief.

All stages of the manuscript evaluation process are carried out by the editor-in-chief based on the confidentiality of the author and referees.

Referees’ reports are kept in the journal archives for five years. For unspecified issues, please contact the journal secretariat.

Special Case Rules

Articles by Editors and Editor-in-Chief

The editorial and referee process of the Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication, in which the field editors are authors, is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief on a blind basis, with the field editor, who is the author, completely excluded from the process.

If the editor-in-chief wishes to publish a manuscript, all stages are carried out on a blind basis by one of the field editors whose title is Professor (PhD) or one of the senior members of the Editorial Board.

In special themed issues, if the members of the editorial board or editorial board for that issue wish to publish an manuscript in that issue, they are subject to the above rules regarding the publication of manuscripts by the field editors and the editor-in-chief.

Rules for Special Theme Issues

The subject of the issues to be published around a special theme and the suggestion on who will be the special theme editor, if any, is submitted to the Editorial Board by the Editor-in-Chief after receiving the opinion of the Field Editors. The Editor-in-Chief decides in line with the opinions received. The editorial and referee process in special theme issues is carried out in accordance with the journal’s evaluation process rules.

The entire issue can be devoted to the special theme, or manuscripts outside the theme can be published separately from the special theme section in that issue. 

The manuscripts of special themed issues can be collected from the authors by invitation, or they can be collected by making a public call-in advance in the journal issues. Both methods can be applied together.