The aim of this research is to determine the problems and solutions proposed by female academic administrators in higher education. This research was carried out in the phenomenological design which is one of the qualitative research designs. The phenomenological pattern shows how participants make sense of the phenomenon they experience. The phenomenon of this research was determined as female academicians. While determining the study group, criterion sampling was preferred from purposive sampling method. As of the academic year of 2018-19, the criterion was determined to be a senior executive at a higher education institution for at least one year. In this context, 13 women are being interviewed by the dean. In order to collect data, a semi-structured interview form based on the relevant literature and expert opinions was used. The data of the study were collected by face-to-face interviews with the participants. Content and descriptive analysis were used in the analysis of research data; themes are determined in accordance with the phenomenological research pattern and the themes are divided into categories. At the end of the study, it is concluded that the academy has male dominated corporate culture, female academicians face problems due to traditional gender roles, spousal support is important, the effects of multiple roles are evident in work and private life, balance of work and family life, and balanced management has been found to contribute to the experience
Keywords : Higher Education, Administrator Women Academician, Qualitative Research, Phenomenology, Gender