The implementations of “Actual service term increment”, arranged in the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act., No 5510, “nominal service period” within the scope of Social Insurances Act., No. 506, and “actual service period increment” within the scope of Republic of Turkey Pension Fund Act., No. 5434, are social insurance arrangements that are particular to Turkey’s social security law. These arrangements, through several additions to be added to period of services actually worked and through reductions to be made from the retirement age limits, provide advantages for the insured people who are within the scope of those worn off more than the peer/fellow employees in terms of early retirement. Actual nominal service term increment places an additional premium charge to the employers. Especially, the fact that the regulations to encourage employing the insured such as premium discount in favour of the employers employing the insured within the scope of actual nominal service are made is one of the methods that will help spread the culture of occupational health and safety. Also, carrying out more frequent inspections in the establishments within the scope of actual nominal service by Social Security Institution will make it easy to detect the fake notifications of those insured and those insured but not declared. In this study, the scope of the actual service term increment and nominal service period arrangements are discussed, but the Pension Fund participants were excluded.
Keywords : Actual service term increment, nominal service period, retirement, implementations of Social Security Institution aboutactual service term increment