This paper deals with the gender impact of the capitalist development and the crises of East and South /East Asian countries. Most of these countries applied export led industrialization after 1970’s, which was depended on female labour power, and infact it is said to be women-led. So, this paper begins with the function of the female labour in the export led industrialization and the impacts of this process on women. The financial crisis they faced in the late 1990’s influenced women dramatically all over the region. As World Bank notifies, millions of people were impoverished; unemployment rates tripled in some countries; real wages dropped, at times by 40 percent; health deteriorated throughout the region; and reported cases of child labor, prostitution, and domestic violence dramatically increased. And the most of affected ones were women. So, this paper investigates secondly, the additional burdens that Asian crises added on women’s life. I think that the Asian experiences can give insights about the impacts of the current global crisis on women in Turkey
Keywords : Crisis, capitalist development, female labour power, gender