The principles of and freedom of union choice, which secure the existence and activities of the unions, have been one of the fundamental areas of conflict within labor history since the 1960s. One of the essential conditions of the union freedom/right to organize is the principal of pluralism. Principle of union pluralism is one of the basic principles that embody the workers’ right to freely choose the union they desire. The fact that more than one union was established in each sector, as a result of the principles, union freedom and pluralism, has led to the an issue over which one of these unions would be entitled to make a collective labor agreement. Since unions were not powerful enough during the 1960s, signing a collective labor agreement became the most important requirement for the existence of unions.
With the establishment of DISK in 1967, the competition between the unions intensified, and in many factories, workers took radical actions for the freedom to choose unions. In this context, in our study, factory occupations were examined in order to freely exercise the right to organize and choose unions among factory occupations carried out for many different reasons in these years. These union defense actions were evaluated together with the process leadind to the resistance of 15-16 June, which took place in 1970 against the regulations to be made in the Trade Unions Act.
Keywords : Freedom of Union Choice, Union Pluralism, Union Rivalry, DİSK