Under the framework of the Trade Unions and Collective Labor Agreement Act No. 6356, Turkish trade unions, in addition to the mandatory organs, may establish other organs as they need. However, the functions and powers of the mandatory organs cannot be transferred to these organs. The trade unions have thus established numerous optional organs and empowered them with various functions through their statutes. In this study, the fundamental aspects of Turkish unionism and general factors that reinforce tendencies toward oligarchy are noted; established optional union organs are examined on the basis of quality and quantity; and optional structures that may form effective governance models and counter the forces preventing democratic operation of unions stemming from strict centralism under the industry-based national unionism system of the post-1982 era are discussed. It is observed that the optional organs of the fifty-five unions examined may be categorized into three groups, and their characteristics show diversity and distinction irrespective of union size and membership composition. Additionally, after a thirty-year interval and with the ratification of Act No. 6356 that has paved the way for the election of union workplace representatives shop stewards , options between elections and direct appointments are examined and their impact on the general structure is discussed. Certain basic propositions for an ideal organizational structure under the national unionism system are provided in conclusion to the study
Keywords : Turkish trade unionism, union organization, trade union organs, union workplace representation, union democracy