Social security right has arisen as a consequence of the human’s protection demand against uncertainties and risks of the future. The rising of the social security right is a result of the sorrow and greviance of labor class that come to exist with Industiral Revolution. Therefore it’s imposible that making an assessment on the social security right without consideration of working relation. Because of the fact that both local and global aspect,of social security right is directly depend on the economic and social features of the current era. It can’t be ignore that existence of uncertanities and risks of the social security rigth’s future. Hence, in order to make some predictions on the future of the social security rigth, it’s necessary to analyse effects of working relations from past to present, economic and social structure, factors of the social security right. Therefore, in this study, our views have been indicated about formation process of social security right on coming years by studying on influencing factors on the economic and social structure from past to present
Keywords : Social Security Rigth in the Future, Sosyal Risks, HealthService, Undeclared Work