Sendika, Sendika Üyeliği, Sendika Üyeliğinin Kazanılması, Sendika Üyeliğinin Sona Ermesi. Acquistion and Loss of Trade Union Membership in Unions and Collective Bargaining Convention on the Law No. 6356 Abstracct: Before dealing with the Turkish Labour Law applied to collective labor relations law with the 2822 Trade Unions Act No. 2821 on Collective Labour Agreement, Strike and Lockout Act repealed the Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreement in place of the Law No. 6356 was enacted. No. The new law follows the 6356 Law on Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreement for the acquisition and termination of membership in the union in terms of both the employee and the employer will be examined
Keywords : Trade Union, Trade Union Membership, Acquistion ofTrade Union Membership, Loss of Trade Union Membership