The Law of Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements no. 6356, which was prepared in conformity with the European Union adjustment programme and ILO agreements, entered in force in 7 November 2012. The reason of the new law, which claims to regulate the trade union rights on the base of contemporary principles and norms, reflects this pretence. The clauses regarding collective agreement authorisation of trade unions undertake the most critical function in putting this claim into practice. The rules of authorisation are the key elements, by their very nature, for enjoying trade union and collective agreement rights effectively and reflect the spirit of the law. To this end, the clauses regarding authority and their outcomes in practice will be the main subjects to test the claim of the new law being in conformity with the international norms with realities
Keywords : The Law of Trade Unions and Collective BargainingAgreements no. 6356, Competence, Authority, Rules of Authority, Sector, Workplace and Company, Sectoral Trade Unionism, Systemof Collective Agreement, Social Dialogue