The extension is that a valid line of work or workplace collective bargaining agreement’s implementation area which is extended such a way that other workers and their employers who are not contracting party of the agreement in the same industry or certain workplace or enterprise, in order to uniform the work order in a line of work or a workplace with the decision of an institution which is authorized by the laws. The extension is a way that in a line of work which some of employers who are out of the collective bargaining agreement and this situation generates unfair competition, with the way of the extension this unfair competition is prevented and the collective bargaining agreement is extended in a large area to increase the level of living, and to realize the principle of equal pay for equal work, in the meantime, it is a way that helps in the line of work to place the same rules. In this way, the differences among workplaces in the same line of work are decreased in terms of wage and work conditions. In every of these reasons is aimed the resolution of economic and social problems for the benefit of the society, targeted the realization of public benefit, social justice, and social development. The extension is a multi directional subject with legal, social, economic, and political dimensions