The Act of Trade Unions and Collective Agreements numbered 6356 was published in the official gazette numbered 28460 on 7 November 2012 and came into force. With this enacted Act, The Act of Trade Unions numbered 2821 and The Act of Collective Agreements Strike and Lockout numbered 2822 have been integrated and handled as just one Act. With this Act, the issues of collective labor law such as syndication, trade union membership, functioning of trade unions, trade union guarantees, controlling of trade unions, free collective bargaining, resolution of labor disagreements and the level of collective agreements, strike and lockout have been reorganized under one framework. In this context, some new arrangements have been done, which related to the basic institutions and rules of collective labor law. In this article, arrangements which was brought by The Act of Trade Unions and Collective Agreements numbered 6356 related to the field of application of collective arrangements have been evaluated
Keywords : The Act of Trade Unions and Collective Agreementsnumbered 6356, Trade Unions, Collective Agreement, The Field ofApplication of Collective Agreements.