Collective agreement negotiations are the stage of tough struggles between parties as from even the authorisation stage. It is the matter of system to use peaceful settlement methods, like reconciliation, arbitrage and mediation just before appealing to the struggling methods, such as strike or lock-out, which may cause adverse outcomes. The law no. 6356 adopted reconciliation as in the law no 2822. The precondition to appeal strike and lock-out or mandatory arbitration where strike and lock-out are banned is to not to reach an agreement even though completing reconciliation stage as the peaceful settlement method. An arbitrager is appointed in case of parties reach a conclusion on a name in the official list. In the contrary case, authorised body determines the arbitrager. It is not appropriate the parties don’t have the right to determine a name out of the official list. While arbitrager doesn’t have the authority to force the parties for an agreement, s/he may express suggestions. It is under parties’ authority to consider arbitrager’s suggestions and reach an agreement
Keywords : Collective Bargaining-Collective Agreement, Conflict ofCollective Interest, Reconciliation