In the modern working life, state has been resolving labor disagreements via labor courts. However, before the labor courts proses there are various mediation mechanisms. Provincial Directorate of Labor and Employment Institution that depend on The Ministry of Labor and Social Security is responsible for resolving labor disagreements by law in addition the labor courts in Turkey between the 2012-2017. In this study, subjects that worker complaints causes and concentrate and resolution ability of these complaints will be discussed. This study is important since the General Directorate of Labor does not have a published statistic or bulletin in this issue. In 2017, with a legal arrangement, this duty was cancelled from the institution and a mandatory mediation system was established. It will be tried to determine whether this regulation is performed or not, depending on the success of the institution in resolving labor disagreements. If it is present, the advantages and disadvantages of the new application will be listed
Keywords : Labor Disagreements, Worker Complaints, İŞKUR, Severance Pay, Unpaid Wages.