Strike is the most common and organized consequence of the industrial dispute. Strike, which is the best reflection of the tension between worker and employer, is the organized cessation or/and stoppage of work in order to express the workers’ dissatisfaction from the employer’s conduct or forcing a demand on management. Bearing negativity in its nature, strike has a destructive influence on both the employer and the worker. However, being largely discussed from legal, economical and sometimes sociological perspective, there is a lack of approach that considers the employees’ emotions, cognitions and behaviours in the strike literature. In this article which investigates the psycho-social dimension of strike with a literature review, behavioral dimensions within the pre-strike, during strike and post-strike phases, as well as sequential factors of propensity to strike, factors in the resistance in strike behaviour and psychological wellbeing of the workers after the strike will be covered.
Keywords : Strike, Psychology of strike, Strike behaviour, Strikeproneness