Mediation which is an optional alternative dispute resolution method has become mandatory for certain labour disputes by the entrance into force of Law No. 7036 on Labour Courts. The Court examines confinedly the content of the agreement in terms of favorability to mediation and enforcement. If the court adds an annotation, agreement resulting from mediation has becomes a document like copy of the judgement. Agreement resulting from mediation is a substantive law contract by nature. Situations favorable to mediation is defined as the situations that the substantive law gives to parties authority the substantive law to agree on the issue of dispute. In the study, after the generally favorable to mediation was explained, the favorable to mediation was discussed in terms of labour disputes. This study also determines legal status of agreement resulting from mediation related to labour disputes and evaluates it in terms of favorable to mediation. The agreement has been examined not only in terms of acquittance, but has also been examined in terms of termination by mutual agreement and settlement agreement which are likely to be confused with acquittance. The study reveals that settlement agreement that contains acquittance must have validity and/or form conditions in substantive law
Keywords : Mandatory mediation, settlement agreement, favorability to mediation, acquittance, executability annotation