The aim of Occupational Health and Safety OHS Law is to provide OHS regulations at workplace and to embody duties, tasks, responsibilities, rights, and obligations to improve current health and safety conditions. According to the related legislation, safety experts must notify the measures, which must be taken on the OHS issue, and report obligations, which are unredeemed by the employer, to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and prevent omissions during the operating process of OHS services while they carry out their duties under professional ethics and independence. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 110 safety experts in Turkey in order to find out current problems of safety experts and to propose the corresponding solutions. Consequently, i employer intervention, ii feeling dependence to employer, iii inadequate working and inspection duration, and iv payment of salary by the company that the expert have to inspect were found as major problems of experts. Furthermore, it was concluded that designating a base pay for experts, imposing an obligation for experts not to have authority before they work in the OHS sector, longer training process, and mandatory OHS courses at the undergraduate level may provide positive effects on experts’ careers. In addition, the existence of some experts, who rent their certificate of OHS expertise in practice, may have a potential to adversely affect themselves since they may lose their faith to their jobs and direct both the society’s perception on OHS and the detection and solution process in an opposite manner