The labor movement has weakened significantly due to the neo-liberal policies in the world. Under the name of labor flexibility, labor has become an informal structure through post-Fordist practices. Part-time and contractual employment has been widespread. On the other hand, all kinds of collective and organized labor movement, including the unionization, has become limited. Labor has remained vulnerable to these developments. Against the weakening of collective and organized labor movement, workers were forced to survive with different resistance strategies.This process has been experienced in a similar manner in Turkey. The main problem of work is which resistance strategies have been developed by workers deprived of collective support in their everyday and working lives? Denizli is one of Turkey’s largest industrial city has been chosen to understand these strategies practically? In-depth interviews have been made with 45 workers, one factory owner, two general manager, two immediate manager, one foreman, two subcontractor owners. The workers in sample are chosen from a large-scale factory, a medium-scale factory and two subcontractors. In this way, the question whether there is a differentiation between the strategies of resistance among workers with different working conditions and employee rights can be analyzed. Inferences have been made about the obstacles to the development of the organized working class movement in Turkey through the responses of workers