The aim of this study is to review labour relations and unionization in Turkish film industry that has been developed during the 20th century and has become a noteworthy sector with the increasing production of TV series, from a historical perspective and to evaluate the contemporary status of unionization in Turkish film industry. However this development has been occurred with bad working conditions and low unionization. In this study a field research has been conducted to reveal the transformation and problems in labour relations and unionization and determine to cause of problems. In the research, qualitative method was preferred and the data was compiled through in-depth interview with unions and workers. As an outcome of the research the bad working conditions, low wages and irregular payment, long working hours, intensive work program, increasing work accidents and absence of social security are mentioned by the interviewers. Although all of the workers mention about those unfavourable conditions, they do not believe that trade unions can improve their working conditions. Due to the major role of individual relationships, solidarity among labour force has not improved and unionization has stayed weak in the film industry