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  • İlayda ERTURUN
Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası’nı Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Okumak


Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin ekonomik ve toplumsal yapısını etkileyen Kamu İktisadi Teşekküllerinden (KİT) biri olan Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası’nı toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında incelemiştir. Çalışma, fabrikanın kuruluşu, toplumsal cinsiyet dinamikleri ve kadın emeğinin rolü üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin sanayileşme sürecinde en önemli aktörlerden biri olmuştur. Fabrikanın örgütlenmesi sadece ekonomik değil, aynı zamanda sosyal ve kültürel anlamda da çok boyutlu etkiler yaratmıştır. Çalışmada, toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası ele alınarak, kadın emeğinin ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişme sürecindeki önemine değinilmektedir. Kadın işçiler sadece ekonomiye katkıda bulunmakla kalmamış, aynı zamanda toplumsal cinsiyet normlarının sorgulanmasına da öncülük etmiştir. Türkiye’nin modernleşme sürecindeki çatışmaları ve dönüşümleri anlamak açısından bu durum oldukça önemlidir. Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası’nda çalışıp halen emekli olan 15 kadınla yapılan sözlü tarih çalışmasıyla, fabrikanın KİT’ler içindeki önemi ve toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamındaki yeri anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu nedenle bir sosyal fabrika olarak Sümerbank’ın Nazilli’de kadının özel ve kamusal alandaki konumunda kırılma yaratıp yaratmadığı sorusu üzerinden çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Kamu İktisadi Teşekkülleri, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Kadın Emeği, Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası
Reading Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory in the Context of Gender


This study examines the Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory, one of the State Economic Enterprises (SOEs) that influenced the economic and social structure of Türkiye, in the context of gender. The study focuses on the establishment of the factory, gender dynamics and the role of women’s labour. The Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory was one of the most important actors in the industrialization process of the Republic of Türkiye. The organization of the factory had multidimensional effects not only economically but also socially and culturally. In this study, the importance of women’s labour in the process of economic and social development is addressed through a gender perspective on the Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory. Women workers not only contributed to the economy but also pioneered the questioning of gender norms. This is very important for understanding the conflicts and transformations in Türkiye’s modernization process. Through an oral history study conducted with 15 retired women from the Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory, the importance of the factory within SOEs and its place in the context of gender were tried to be explained. For this reason, the study was conducted on the question of whether Sümerbank as a social factory created a rupture in the position of women in the private and public sphere in Nazilli.

Extended Summary

The Sümerbank Chintz Factory in Nazilli was at the centre of Türkiye’s economic and social transformation in the Early Republican Period. Opened in 1937, the factory was Türkiye’s first chintz factory and was also a part of the First Five-Year Industrial Plan. The Republic of Türkiye, which aimed to transform the agriculture-dominated economic structure inherited from the Ottoman Empire in the direction of industrialization, aimed to turn Nazilli into an industrial centre with this factory.

With the establishment of the factory, there was an intense migration to Nazilli and a rapid change in the social and economic structure. This change was an important turning point, especially in terms of women’s labour. By increasing women’s participation in the labour force, the factory reinforced the visibility of women’s labour and its place in the economy. With an intense focus on the construction and development of the working class, the factory provided not only production but also a living space, offering housing, social facilities and educational institutions.

The Early Republican Period was a period of social transformation as well as political and economic restructuring. This factory in Nazilli played a key role in the process of proletarianization and the transformation of socio-economic conditions. Especially from 1935 onwards, the factory had a significant impact on the population structure and economic dynamics of Nazilli, improving the socio- economic position of women and transforming normative expectations of gender roles.

In Early Republican Türkiye, the state-led industrialization and modernization process gained momentum, and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) played an important role in this process. In particular, institutions such as Sümerbank became active centres in the fields of industry and production. In this period, factories functioned as pioneers not only of economic production but also of social change. Women’s labour has been both a part of and a result of this process since the foundation of the Republic.

According to early data such as the 1927 Industrial Census, women constituted a significant portion of the industrial labour force, concentrated especially in sectors such as textiles. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, there were significant increases in the number of women workers in various factories of Sümerbank. During this period, women were generally employed in low-paid and low-skilled jobs, and the gendered division of labour into men’s and women’s jobs is clearly visible. The Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory is a special case in this context. The factory both increased women’s participation in the labour force and improved their working conditions by providing them with social rights and opportunities. Offering equal working conditions with men, this factory played an important role in strengthening the socio-economic position of women. This also supported transformations in women’s gender inequalities. While the SOEs of the Early Republican Period shaped women’s place in the labour market, they also influenced the social structure of modern Türkiye by providing a wide range of social and economic opportunities.

This research was conducted using the qualitative method of oral history. This method focuses on understanding and reconstructing social and economic histories through the experiences of individuals. The research was conducted with 15 women who worked at the Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory. The research began by accessing the factory’s history and existing documents, followed by semi- structured in-depth interviews with retired female employees. The data was collected from the memories of former employees and archival documents.

The factory was active from 1937 until its closure in 2002. During the research process, a detailed analysis was conducted to understand the social opportunities the factory provided to its employees, the place of women’s labour in the factory and the effects of the factory on gender dynamics. Interviews with female employees highlighted the services and social opportunities offered by the factory, such as daycare centres, health services, transportation, accommodation, in-kind benefits and social events. In addition, the unionization of the factory and its economic effects on women were also investigated. In this context, it was revealed that unionization is very important for the female labour force. With unionization, the wage levels of women workers have increased considerably and their spirit of solidarity has strengthened.

The findings of the study showed that the factory was not only a place of production, but also provided a social structure that raised the living standards of its workers. In this context, the factory is precisely a social factory. Women stated that working in the factory provided them with freedom and economic independence. However, the loss of these opportunities with the closure of the factory negatively affected the socio-economic structure of Nazilli. In conclusion, this research has revealed that the Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory had a profound social and economic impact on its workers and played an important role in the positioning of women’s labour inside and outside the factory.

Keywords : State Economic Enterprises, Gender, Female Labour, Sümerbank Nazilli Chintz Factory

Kaynak Göster

ERTURUN, İ., & . ( 2024). Sümerbank Nazilli Basma Fabrikası’nı Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Okumak. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(83), 1543-1584. https://doi.org/10.54752/ct.1569673