Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

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: TR

İş Hukukunda İşçinin Küçük Hırsızlığı (Petty Theft)


İşçilerin işyerinde yaptıkları çalışmalar veya o işyerinin işçisi olmaları gereği, elleri altında birtakım mallar bulunmakta ve bu malları -zaman zaman- izinsiz ve iş dışı gerekçelerle kullanmakta ya da almaktadırlar. Bu davranışlar, bazen işverenin açık bazen örtülü izni olduğu için, bazen de işverenler tarafından önemsenmediğinden, uyuşmazlık konusu olmamaktadır. Oysa yapılan araştırmalar, işçilerin bu davranışlarının bir bütün olarak hesaplanması halinde, azımsanmayacak değerlerde maddi kayıplar doğurduğunu göstermektedir. İşçinin söz konusu davranışlarının iş hukuku özelinde nasıl değerlendirilmesi gerektiği, yapılan hareketin haklı veya geçerli feshi gerektirip gerektirmediği önem arz etmektedir. Konunun, Almanca kaynaklarda “Bagatellkündigung” kavramı, İngilizce kaynaklarda ise “Petty Theft” kavramı üzerinden sıklıkla incelendiği tespit edilmiştir. Ancak günümüze kadar, konu doğrudan Türk iş hukukunda hiç yazılmamış, fesihle ilgili bir iki çalışma ve Yargıtay kararları dışında değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu çalışmayla, işçinin küçük hırsızlıklarının, Türk iş hukuku doktrininde incelenmesi ve makalenin yeni çalışmalar için bir başlangıç olması amaçlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Küçük hırsızlık, işçi hırsızlığı, aşırma, Bagatellkündigung, haklı neden, geçerli neden
Employee’s Petty Theft in Labour Law


Employees have access to certain goods due to their roles or simply because they work at the workplace, and occasionally, they use or take these goods without permission for personal reasons. These behaviours sometimes do not become a subject of dispute because they are either explicitly or implicitly permitted by the employer or because the employer does not consider them significant. However, research shows that when these behaviours of employees are considered as a whole, they cause substantial financial losses that cannot be disregarded. It is crucial to assess how the employee’s behavior should be evaluated within the framework of labour law and whether this behavior justifies or warrants a valid termination. It has been verified that the subject is frequently examined through the concept of “Bagatellkündigung” in German and “Petty Theft” in English. However, until now, the subject has never been written directly in Turkish labour law and has not been evaluated other than a few studies on termination and the judgments of the Court of Appeal. This study aims to examine petty theft by employees within the framework of Turkish labour law doctrine and to serve as a starting point for future research.

Extended Summary

Employe’s often have easy access to the employer’s or the company’s property while performing their tasks. For instance, it’s common for an employee to put a pen and notebook in his bag when leaving the office to create a “to-do list” at home, or for another employee to use the office copier and paper for personal matters. Theft of low-value items by an employee, unauthorized use of company

property for personal needs, or stealing from the employer or clients are examples of this behavior.

The concept of employee theft is often interpreted differently when the value of the stolen items is very low, leading to questions about how it should be assessed, from its definition to its sanctions, both in our country and in comparative law. The point of hesitation here is whether the unauthorized taking of office supplies for personal reasons should be considered the same illegal act as taking more expensive workplace items, and whether it should face the same sanctions. The issue varies between criminal law and labour law contexts. However, in both scenarios, the answer to this question depends on how theft is defined, the rigidity or flexibility of this definition, and how the definition is applied in the workplace and by the employer.

Employee petty theft is often overlooked because the resulting damage does not impose a significant financial cost on the employer. However, even though it is not frequent, incidents of petty theft in the workplace can lead to the termination of employees’ contracts by employers. Disputes arise regarding whether these terminations are based on valid or justified reasons and whether the behavior legally constitutes grounds for termination.

In German sources, the concept is often examined under the term “Bagatellkündigung,” and in English sources under “petty theft.” It can be stated that since 1984, the German Federal Labor Court has generally deemed immediate terminations due to theft by employees of employer’s property appropriate, “without considering the value of the stolen item.” However, this acceptance has faced strong criticism in doctrine and public opinion, leading to detailed discussions. The most notable debate in German law regarding petty theft is whether, by analogy to rules accepted in criminal and administrative law, only thefts above a certain value can justify termination. It should be noted that there are strong proponents of both views in German doctrine.

In Turkish labor law, except for a few studies examining termination due to suspicion and Supreme Court decisions, it has been found that the issue has not been extensively studied. Based on our study and comparative law examinations, including the Supreme Court General Assembly decision known to the public as the “chocolate box decision,” we concluded that the perspective on petty thefts should not be evaluated through a literal interpretation of existing legal provisions but through a purposive interpretation.

In our opinion, when an employee is terminated for petty theft, the validity of the termination should not be assessed based on a material threshold valid in criminal or disciplinary law. The real justification for “terminations based on minimal damage” is “loss of trust”. The employee’s duty of loyalty arising from the employment contract includes considering the legitimate interests of the other party to the contract and the prohibition of harming the employer’s legitimate interests. Therefore, when an act that damages the employer’s property occurs, the

“trust in the employee” will be severely damaged, regardless of the value of the damage. Thus, it is not possible to accept that thefts above a certain value can be deemed justified termination grounds. In petty thefts, instead of the low value of the property, it should be evaluated whether the trust foundation of the employment relationship has collapsed and whether there is a loss of trust that can be repaired.

In determining the collapse of the trust foundation and insufferability in petty thefts, the characteristics of each specific case need to be examined within their own context. The mutual interests of the parties should be comprehensively considered, and the importance of the principle of the ultima ratio should not be overlooked. If the trust foundation is collapsed due to the behavior, a justified termination is required, whereas if the trust is shaken due to the nature of the job but does not make the employment relationship intolerable, the employer should perform a valid termination. Of course, it is also possible that the termination may not be necessary based on the conditions of the specific case of petty theft. If it is understood that the employee will not repeat similar behaviors in the future upon warning or reprimand, non-termination measures should be preferred.

Regarding the desired law, it has been determined that the most appropriate solution would be to reorganize Article 25 of the Labor Law, which regulates the justified termination grounds for employers. By making changes to this article, considering the purpose of job security, the differences between the grounds leading to justified and time-bound termination should be made clear.

Keywords : Petty theft, employee theft, petty largency, Bagatellkündigung, just cause, valid reason

Kaynak Göster

SARIBAY ÖZTÜRK, G., & . ( 2024). İş Hukukunda İşçinin Küçük Hırsızlığı (Petty Theft). Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(83), 1425-1464. https://doi.org/10.54752/ct.1569651