Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

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  • Yusuf Yiğit
İşverenin Çalışanlara İş Koşulları Hakkında Bilgi Verme Yükümlülüğü




Employees’ right to information and consultation has place in several regulations of European Union Law at contractual, charter and directive levels. While information and consultation right can be about getting information on essential parts of a labour contract, it could also be associated to issues such as health and safety at work, workplace owner change, collective redundancies, information and consultation about important company and invetstment decisions. Employees’ right to information and consultation is also crucial for social dialog between employer and employee at the work place, participation and practices of industrial democracy. In practice employees are particularly included in participation through worker representation and union representation at the workplace. In the same manner, employers also have a possibility to consult employees. Although there are some imperfections, practices of employees’ right to information and consultation have been transferred to Turkish Labor Law by code 4857 which was adopted during Turkey’s harmonization process to European Union and through its instructions.

Kaynak Göster

YİĞİT, Y., & . ( 2009). İşverenin Çalışanlara İş Koşulları Hakkında Bilgi Verme Yükümlülüğü. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(23), 79-114. https://doi.org/