Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

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  • Hakan Topateş
"Araçsallaştırılmış Bir Kavram Olarak Sosyal Dışlanma"




Every historical period is a reflection of its own economy-politics. In this meaning the concept of social exclusion is a construction of hegemonic language. The language which is used for the expression’s of social exclusion is descriptive, a metaphor and an allegory. In all meanings the concept of social exclusion has only palliative solutions for social-economic matters

Kaynak Göster

TOPATEŞ, H., & . ( 2009). “Araçsallaştırılmış Bir Kavram Olarak Sosyal Dışlanma”. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(23), 115-130. https://doi.org/