“The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety” which was signed by 120 transnational textile corporations on 13th May 2013 and “Memorandum of Understanding” on the payment of compensations for the workers who had lost their lives or were injured signify a new development with its legally binding aspect. After the fires and collapse of factories in Bangladesh that led to death of hundreds of workers triggered a local labour movement and a transnational solidarity campaign was initiated by Global Unions and some NGOs. Bangladesh Accord is consequence of the negotiations began after these movements. However, it is possible to witness a tension among the local labour movement and Global Unions on the issues as negotiation process and application of the Accord. Therefore, despite the earning of some serious rights, Bangladeshi labour is understood to be not satisfied by this process and continued its struggle. This article will debate the reasons of the tension within the labour side among the local movement and the Global Unions.
Keywords : Bangladesh Accord, Transnational Corporations, GlobalUnions, Neo-liberal Globalization, Global Governance, Sub-alternMovement