Economics and Law Journal

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: tr
  • Neriman Açıkalın
Poverty and The Social Mobility Chances Of Youth Generations: A Case Study in İstanbul and Gaziantep


The most important effects of poverty is using children as labor force, and the most negative effect of using children in labor force over the long term is the fact that poverty occurring as a vicious circle becomes a starting point of the reproduction of the poverty for future generations. In Turkey, especially structural adjustment policies administered after 1980’s have created an effect that hastens this process, and named as new urban poor in the world literature, and that brings a total flexibility in determining work conditions, wages and social rights. This process not only prevents the chances of upright social mobility of young generation, but also quite strengthens the probabilities of experiencing a downright social mobility of young generations who will become unqualified labor force and poors of the future. In order to analyze the effects of structural adjustment program on the social mobility possibilities of young generations, a field study aiming to collect data about the problems and social mobility possibilities of young generations together with a survey containing 31 child and youngster ages between 6 and 24 and 200 household was conducted in Gaziantep and İstanbul. In this study survey, depth interview and focus group techniques are used and various topics such as the occupations of the individuals living in each household, their work conditions, immigration patterns, consumption structures, household relations, the opportunities of youngsters to get economical and social possibilities and their hopes and anticipations for the future were covered.
Keywords : poverty, children in labor, social mobility, structuraladjustment policies, İstanbul, Gaziantep.
Yoksulluk ve Genç Kuşakların Toplumsal Hareketlilik Olanakları: İstanbul ve Gaziantep Örnekleri


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AÇIKALIN, N., & . ( 2008). Yoksulluk ve Genç Kuşakların Toplumsal Hareketlilik Olanakları: İstanbul ve Gaziantep Örnekleri. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(17), 131-154.