Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Hasan Ejder Temiz


It is estimated that between 300 million and 420 million people are trapped in chronic, or persistent, poverty. Chronically poor people experience deprivation over many years, often over their entire lives, and sometimes pass poverty on to their children. Many of the chronically poor die prematurely from health problems that are easily preventable. This group experiences deprivation at multiple levels; chronic poverty is typically characterized not only by low income and assets, but also by hunger and undernutrition, illiteracy, the lack of access to basic necessities such as safe drinking water and health services, and social isolation and exploitation. This study consists of three sections. Chronic poverty concept and components are defined in the first section. Justifications and form of the chronic poverty is discussed in the second section. Chronic poverty prevention strategies are examined in the third section.
Keywords : chronic poverty, vulnerability, economic growth, socialpolicy, social protection
Dünyada Kronik Yoksulluk ve Önleme Stratejileri


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TEMİZ, H., & . ( 2008). Dünyada Kronik Yoksulluk ve Önleme Stratejileri. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(17), 61-100.