Economics and Law Journal

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: tr
  • Gaye Yılmaz
Time-Space Compression In Capitalism


While rapid technological cahenges in the process of globalisation have speeded communications and transactions up between people and companies on one hand, this phenomenon has also caused an impression that space has increasingly been disappeared or lost its importance for the accumulation of capital on the other. The transformation in geographical scale from nations to local/regional is generally considered in a dualist sense that each of this two scales was contrary or alternative to the other. The debate goes till to a claim that the time overcame space so that the role of nation states came to the end as argued by David Harwey in his famous book titled ‘The Condition of Post-Modernity’. In this paper the main argument is that capitalism, -as a system based on exchange of commodities instead of the needs of societies and makes production and exchange of values through the circulation of money imperative- will always need nation states particularly for legal and practical regulations that the relations of possession, production and circulation are required. However paper does not ignore or underestimate the primacy of time in capitalist system on the other
Keywords : Time, Space, State, Accumulation and Speed
Kapitalizmde Zaman-Mekan Sıkışması


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YILMAZ, G., & . ( 2008). Kapitalizmde Zaman-Mekan Sıkışması. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(17), 155-172.