Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

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  • Abdulkadir Şenkal
Endüstri İlişkilerinde Yeni Paradigmalar: Mobilizasyon, Kollektivizm ve Esneklik Tartışmaları




Globalization started by the 1980s and new developments in working life makes the basic frame of industrial relations change. The main reason of these developments is the inter-disciplinary character of industrial relations having interaction with economics, sociology, business administration, law, politics, history etc. The continuous change in these fields makes it an obligation for industrial relations to change. In this context, deficiency of theories and thoughts in industrial relations puts the new searches into agenda constantly. Especially in the face of strong accents made by the authors about the necessity of a new theory approriate for the developments happened after 1980s, there has been an increasing effort for developing new theories in the field of industrial relations for 20 years. Hence, different theory searches by different authors have been witnessed in different times. There are two main thoughts which are at the forefront of these searches and called as theory. These are collectivism and mobilization theories. Apart from those two, post-fordizm caused an important change in regards of industrial relations as a production paradigm based on flexibility in 1980s. It has also been quite effective for defining the frame of industrial relations for the last 20 years. Important changes happened both in the roles of actors constituting the system and in their mutual interaction. This fact not only made new theories and new thoughts necessary, but also put the discussions into agenda.The main aim in this paper, to analyse both the change in the roles of actors constituting the industrial relations system and the new searches. Firstly, the current situation of Kelly’s industrial relations investigations and position of the theory which he tries to develop in industrial relation system will be assessed. After defining the new concepts in industrial relations, a brief assessment of the ampirical appropriateness of Kelly’s mobilization theory in industrial relations will be fulfilled. As third, the impact of post-fordist production paradigm in industrial relations will be analysed. As last, the discussions about whether the things happening in industrial relations are change or transformation
Keywords : Industrial Relations, Collectivism, Mobilization, Flexibility

Kaynak Göster

ŞENKAL, A., & . ( 2008). Endüstri İlişkilerinde Yeni Paradigmalar: Mobilizasyon, Kollektivizm ve Esneklik Tartışmaları. Çalışma ve Toplum, 1(16), 119-146. https://doi.org/