Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

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: tr

  • Metin Sarfati
Ekonomi Politiğin İnsanı “Kim”dir?




Political economy has a significant place in the problematic of perception of social reality entirely just like its important role in generation of human sciences. In this article, within the frame of these ideas, subject-individual process will be handled within the context of modernization; original approach of the philosophy of political economy which is the work of Scottish tradition to this issue will be presented, and it will be argued that its approach to human is not one-dimensional, and even though words do not coincide with the contents, its individual and society envisagement is different from Heideggerian proposal, which becomes concrete today, when considered the contents

Kaynak Göster

SARFATİ, M., & . ( 2009). Ekonomi Politiğin İnsanı “Kim”dir?. Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(22), 57-96. https://doi.org/