Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Aziz Çelik
  • Kuvvet Lordoğlu


There is a serious confusion on the union density and trade union membership statistics in Turkey. The information available on the membership of workers’ and public employees’ organizations is fragmentary and generally contradictory. There are very different data relating to union density, union membership and total employees which have the right to organise according to internationally recognized ILO conventions. Turkish union density figures are not comparable across countries and they have not been acknowledged by ILO. The lack of similar international statistical guidelines on trade union membership leads to serious problems. This paper examines the official trade union membership statistics in Turkey and discusses whether they are reliable or not in the light of international comparisons. Focusing on Trade Union Act 2821 , Collective Bargaining, Strike and Lockout Act 2822 and Public Employees’ Trade Union Act 4688 and taking into account the ILO criteria and norms, the paper explores the main problem areas derives from several shortages in these acts. Finally an alternative calculation method of trade union density and data collection method is submitted.
Keywords : Trade Union Statistics, Trade Union Membership, Trade Union Density,
Türkiye'de Resmi Sendikalaşma İstatistiklerinin Sorunları Üstüne


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ÇELİK, A., & LORDOĞLU, K., & . ( 2006). Türkiye’de Resmi Sendikalaşma İstatistiklerinin Sorunları Üstüne. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(9), 11-30.