The unique characteristics of the tourism sector, such as its labor-intensive and seasonal nature, increasing competition and increasing diversity of tourists, increase the need for migrant labor in the tourism sector. As in the world as in Turkey, the tourism is one of the important sectors where migrants are employed. This study aims to demonstrate whether there is a difference in demand for migrant labor in the tourism sector between Turkey and the World and reveal the reasons for the possible difference. And also, it aims to shed light on the problems faced by migrants due to their working conditions and migration status. For this purpose, firstly, the place of tourism sector in the world and Turkey economies will be examined. Then, the reasons why the tourism industry needs migrant labor, the positions of migrants in the industry and the problems they are experiencing will be investigated with the help of related literature. This study shows that migrant labor in the world tourism sector is generally a way of access to cheap and unqualified labor. The migrant labor in the tourism sector in Turkey is meant to fill the qualified labor shortage and the jobs where the labor supplies constraints in the sector.