It is a well known fact that the wages for women labor is affected by several factors beyond their productivity, which can be considered as the wage discrimination. The necessity for the study arises from the gender discrimination in global labor market [caused by unfair wage methods and individual diversities]. The objective of this study is to determine the parameters affecting the amount of female employees’ wages. The study will also investigate whether gender is a significant factor for the wages. A questionnaire survey was generated to reach these objectives. Participants were selected from Gaziantep with random sampling method. The study was limited to the area of the city of Gaziantep in order to obtain more reliable data. Participants were asked some questions about gender discrimination in wages, and then the data obtained from the survey questions was statistically analyzed. As a result of statistical factor analysis, three types of factors were determined; distinguisher factors, objective factors, and selective factors
Keywords : Woman, Discrimination, Inequality in Wages, Woman in Working Life