Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Kübra Doğan Yenisey


By new Labour Act No. 4857, the principle of equality and nondiscrimination is inserted as a new chapter to Turkish employment law. Article 5 envisages a general prohibition on discrimination in respect of language, race, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief s , religion, sect or any other similar grounds, and a specific prohibition on discrimination on the ground of sex. Act No. 5378 added to this list the discrimination prohibition on the ground of disability. Henceforth, the employer’s general obligation of equal treatment goes in hand with specific non-discrimination grounds. This paper aims to examine these new regulations and analyze internal relations between different discrimination grounds
Keywords : the principle of equality, the principle of nondiscrimination, sex equality, disability, employment law, employmentlaw.
İş Kanununda Eşitlik İlkesi ve Ayırımcılık Yasağı


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YENİSEY, K., & . ( 2006). İş Kanununda Eşitlik İlkesi ve Ayırımcılık Yasağı. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(11), 63-82.