Research Problem
The aim of this study is to reveal whether the social aid expenditures made by social aid institutions are effective for struggling with poverty. For this purpose, it is the subject of the problem to examine how the poverty interacts with the social aid expenditure, the number of households benefiting from social aid and the share of social aid expenditure in national income, and how the variables affect the poverty rate.
Research Questions
The research questions determined in line with the purpose of the study are as follows: Is there a long-term relationship between poverty rate and social assistance expenditure? Is there a long-term relationship between poverty rate and the number of households benefiting from social assistance? Is there a long-term relationship between the poverty rate and the share of social assistance expenditures in national income?Are the poverty rate and social assistance expenditure mutually and one directionally related?
Literature Review
Sarısoy ve Koç (2010), draw attention to the high rate of poverty in Turkey and the importance of fighting against poverty in their study. The authors stated that public social transfer expenditures used in the fight against poverty are effective in some segments and not effective in others. They also stated that the current poverty rate in Turkey is high in the segments where social transfer expenditures are not observed to be effective. With the executed regression analysis they concluded that social transfer expenditures reduce the poverty rate in general in Turkey. Özdemir ve İnce (2021), meausure the impact of in-kind and cash aids on poverty in fighting against poverty in their study. As a result of panel data analysis, two way directional relationship has emerged on social assistance expenditures and poverty. In other words, as the poverty rate increases, social aid expenditures decrease, while social aid expenditures increase, poverty rate decrease.
In the study, time series analysis was conducted in order to reveal the relationship between the poverty rate and social assistance expenditure, the number of households benefiting from social assistance and the share of social assistance expenditure in national income. Gauss 21 ve Eviews 12 package programs were used for these analyses. Prior to start time series analysis, the date were transformed by teaking logarithm of the expenditures and the number of households in order to standardize the data.
Results and Conclusions
In the study the effectiveness of social assistance institutions in struggling with poverty was examined. Aid expenditures made within the body of social institutions, the number of hoseholds benefiting from the aid and the relationship between the share of these aids in national income and the poverty rate were examined. There was a one-way casual relationship between the poverty rate and the social assistance expenditure, between poverty rate and the number of households benefeting from social assistance. As a result of te study, it was revealed that the change in the poverty rate affected the social assistance expenditures and the number of households benefiting from social assistance. There is a one-way causality relationship between the share of social aid expenditure in national income and the poverty rate. According to this result, it can be said that the change in the share allocated to social aid expenditure in national income is the reason for the change in the poverty rate.
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