While evaluating classical and modern political philosophy, we will follow a theoretical route determined by a particular concern: This work discusses a context of relationships that human beings established with the concept of truth. This relation’s equivalent in political philosophy is the relationship with the “Good”. Within this main framework, this study have tried to answer the following questions: What is the relationship with the “Good” in classical philosophy (in classical thought)? How is this relationship appear in classical political philosophy? How has this relationship been transformed in modern thought? How are the appearances of this relationship with the “Good” in modern thought on political philosophy?
Political philosophy means evaluating current politics according to an idea of the Good. In order to make political philosophy, this “Good” must have two specifications: The first one is related to the issue of Historicism. The Good has to be universal, that is, not to be considered as historical. Politics itself is historical, political events and political struggles are all historical, so in order to appreciate what is historical, one needs something universal that is at least somewhat permanent. Therefore, when it comes to political philosophy, it must be admitted that what we call the Good is not historical. For political philosophy to exist, it is necessary to think that the Good is universal. Another essential feature of the Good is its transcendence. The concept of transcendence is one of the concepts that is seen as problematic, especially in modern thought. When we say that the Good is transcendent, it is generally understood in terms of religiousness and being subject to criticism from this aspect. However, talking about transcendence does not necessarily mean thinking in reference to religion. Transcendence indicates that the Good cannot be known absolutely and cannot be fully realized. The Good is something to be constantly sought after, but cannot be completely conquered. When we think of Plato’s idea of the Good, we can easily see this notion. According to Plato, the idea of the Good cannot be fully grasped (or known). He creates a reference for us; we can contact it only in this way. It sheds light on us, but the Good can never be fully known.
Political philosophy; is the relationship between the Good, the reason and the politics. It is to establish a relationship between these three concepts. The mind can get in touch with the Good but cannot consume it. The most important feature of classical political philosophy is that it has a more modest understanding of reason when compared to modern political philosophy. In classical political philosophy, the reason is modest. It does not claim to seize the Good in an absolute sense. It is an opportunity to get in touch with the good. But it is limited. However, this relationship will change in modern political philosophy. When we look at modern political philosophy, the Good has begun to be seen as something that the human mind can grasp. There is an acknowledgement that humans can fully know and conceive of the Good. At least at the beginning of modern political philosophy, there was such an acceptance. This acceptance is one of the issues that we should pay attention to when separating classical political philosophy from modern political philosophy. In modern political philosophy, the Good is something that can be known and fully realized in this world in a practical sense. Modern political life is full of efforts towards this endeavour.
Today’s society is a larger scaled and more heterogeneous one. The existence of many different lifestyles is a fact of this society. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to be more cautious when using the concept of the common good in political philosophy today. On the other hand, within the historical and social conditions of the first and Middle Ages, the metaphysics of classical political philosophy turned into an ideology and functioned to legitimize the inequalities of that period. Because of this ideological function, we need to be cautious about the thoughts of classical political philosophers. Although their thoughts have valuable aspects that shed light on today’s debates, there are also aspects we cannot accept due to our social conditions. Today, none of us would consider slavery or aristocratic privileges defensible. Similarly, the issue of individual freedoms and rights, which classical thinkers did not focus on, is vital for us. In this respect, we need an understanding of truth from synthesizing classical thought with a modest understanding of reason today. Only this understanding of reason and truth can provide the opportunity to re-establish the relationship between political philosophy and metaphysics.
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