Women in the workforce face unique challenges when it comes to balancing their
home life and navigating job insecurity. Despite significant strides towards gender
equality in the workplace, disparities persist, affecting women’s experiences and
opportunities. According to the literature the perception of job insecurity is
reported more by women due to the patriarchal structure. In many industries,
women encounter higher levels of job insecurity compared to their male
counterparts. This insecurity can stem from various factors, including gender
discrimination and unequal pay. Also women often bear the brunt of caregiving
responsibilities, which can further exacerbate job insecurity due to the need for
flexible work arrangements or career interruptions.
Considering that caregiving responsibilities are predominantly met by
women, this study examined whether there is a factor predicting the perception of
job insecurity of working women. The research was conducted with a face-to-face
survey with 135 women who work in the textile sector in Zeytinburnu district of
Istanbul and have at least one child. Zeytinburnu district is an important region in
terms of the textile industry in Istanbul. The field was completed in 2023. Field
research was conducted both at the participants’ workplaces and outside of work,
depending on their availability. The data was first processed into Microsoft Excel
and then examined with SPSS version 29. Independent and dependent variables
were determined and relationship tests were applied accordingly
The perception of job insecurity was found to be low when women who
undertake care responsibility due to socially accepted judgments work in jobs
where they do not have transportation problems between their workplaces and
their homes and can take leave. Women’s job changes, especially due to a basic
element of work, such as wages, reveal their worries about business. Considering
that wages are determined in a patriarchal system, women’s income is both
additional income to the household and the continuation of economic freedom
independent of women’s spouses. It was also found that the areas where women
are employed are also restricted due to care responsibilities. In cases where
qualified care services cannot be provided, it is understood that women cannot
continue their working life due to reasons such as working hours and the location
of the workplace.
It has been observed that the husbands of the women respect the opinions
of the women in their work, and that the husbands’ contributions to the household
income are positive. It was also understood that the participants did not have
sufficient information about their labor rights. In this respect, the study not only
shows that there are women who take on both working and caring responsibilities,
but also reveals that because women do not know their working rights, they cannot
create demands for the articles in the legislation regarding the support of caring
responsibilities that workplaces must implement. In this sense, it has been
understood that the public sector should make the necessary regulations and
intensify its inspections of workplaces that do not comply with the regulations. In
addition, it has been concluded that it has increased information and awareness
activities about labor rights in sectors where women are known to work more
Addressing women’s job insecurity requires a multifaceted approach. This
includes implementing policies that promote pay equity, providing support for
affordable childcare and eldercare, and creating inclusive work environments that
prioritize diversity and inclusion. Achieving gender parity in the workforce and
reducing job insecurity for women requires concerted efforts from policymakers,
employers, and society as a whole. By recognizing and addressing the systemic
barriers that women encounter in the workplace, we can create more equitable and
secure employment opportunities for all genders.
It was understood that the perceptions of occupational safety of the
participating women should work with longer -term studies. In this study, it was
concluded that gender-based division of labor may have an impact on women’s
perception of job insecurity, but further studies on this issue are recommended.
Publisher Address : Birleşik Metal-İş Trade Union
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Kadıköy İstanbul 34744 Türkiye
Publisher Phone: +90 (216) 380 85 90
Publisher email: calismatoplum@birlesikmetal.org
Editorial email :dergicalismavetoplum@gmail.com
Copyright ©: 2024 Çalışma ve Toplum. Web Desing and Publishing Preparation: Journal Editorial Desk and Birleşik Metal-İş Union Publishing Service