The claims that the first collective bargaining agreement in the world was signed in Kütahya province in Turkey in 1766 are occasionally encountered both in the social policy and industrial relations literature and in various mainstream media channels. The basis of these claims is the documents of the Kütahya porcelain cup makers in the Ottoman archives regarding their working conditions. The fact that the documents related to the porcelain cup makers are considered as the “first collective bargaining agreement in the history” particularly in the social policy literature made it necessary to make a scientific assessment of the claim. The document used as the basis for the claims of the “first collective bargaining agreement” is the 280th provision in the 3rd volume of the registry of Kütahya sharia court. In the document dated July 12, 1766, it is stated that the masters and journeymen from Kütahya porcelain cup guild agreed with the daily production amount and wages, not to make illegal production outside the workplace and not to open a new business outside the existing enterprises, and accept them before the judge and witnesses. However, as it is known, the most important feature of the period is that the state tightly controlled the relations of production and labour. Among the complaints made to the courts, opening new workplaces and illegal production issues were the leading issues. At that time, craftsmen applied to state officials even on matters under the responsibility of the guilds. Besides, the fact that the tradesmen who do not comply with the conditions agree to be punished with death shows that the document is a very strict regulation that is not seen in contractual relations. The point in these documents is that the state imposes new regulation on the parties. The fact that the guild order has not been resolved yet, the “free labour” and the contractual labour relations have not emerged, especially the absence of the organized bargaining power union-like organization which is the indispensable element of collective bargaining, does not make it possible to talk about the collective bargaining agreement in the Ottoman period. The claim that Kütahya documents are the first collective bargaining agreements in history is not scientifically acceptable. This claim is a typical example of anachronism
Keywords : First collective bargaining agreement, labour history, the anachronism in history, labour relations