Recently, labour relations and regulations on labour issues in Turkey have followed a way to flexibilisation. Although the visibility of that process has been clearing recently, the origins of the process can be extended to the beginning of 1980s. Yet, the pace of the process has accelerated in Turkey with the new millennium. Building up a new labour law can be read as a clear sign of that tendency. In 2012 a draft of national employment strategy that treats the present labour market and labour relations as tight and sees that situation as jeopardy has been prepared. The draft has been looking for solution in a more flexible employment relation and putting forward some policies for that purpose. This paper intends to examine the draft with a concept, liquidity, of sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. In the first part, the concept of liquidity and precarisation as a result of liquid modern times in employment relations is going to be explained. The second part of the paper focuses on ‘national employment strategy’ as a reflection of these concepts
Keywords : liquidity, precarisation, flexibility, Zygmunt Bauman, national employment strategy