Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

Makalenin Dili

: tr

  • İzzet Mert Ertan
Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukuku ve Türk Hukukunda Asgari Çıraklık Yaşı




This article is specified on a very important but concealed point of exploitation of child labour. The point is the minimum age for apprenticeship. The apprenticeship which is formulated either in domestic or supranational law as an exception of ordinary labour leads to minimum age for apprenticeship to be an exception of minimum working age. Nevertheless there exist scientific studies in the sense that there is not much difference between the two kinds of labour and in addition to this legal formulations service to exploitation of child labour to be legalised. Apprenticeship is one of the aspects of vocational education and education is performed at nowhere but schools
Keywords : apprenticeship, minimum working age, exploitation of childlabour, supranational human rights law, Turkish law

Kaynak Göster

ERTAN, İ., & . ( 2008). Ulusalüstü İnsan Hakları Hukuku ve Türk Hukukunda Asgari Çıraklık Yaşı. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(17), 173-198. https://doi.org/