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  • Metin Kutal
Türk Sendikacılığını Çevreleyen Olumsuz Koşullar, Özellikler ve Yeni Bir Yapılanma İhtiyacı




The preparations that are anticipating some new amendments in Act no. 2821 and 2822 1983 , which determine the judicial framework of the trade unions and the collective bargaining in Turkey, continue. In this paper, the circumstances of the unionism are designated in its historical development, by taking into consideration the reality that, without penetrating into the practical realities of the conditions in which Turkish trade unions are experienced in and without specifying the conditions of a new formation, the amendments in the acts will not yield to the expected positive results. Thus it is tried to designate what are the originalities and typical characteristics of Turkish Trade Union Movement. After it had been tried to indicate that the circumstances in which Turkish trade unions act are not favorable for them to develop, it is concluded that the problems stemming from the negative characteristics of the trade unions themselves have dimensions that can not be neglected
Keywords : Turkish Trade Unions, Trade Unionism, TradeUnion Act No. 2821

Kaynak Göster

KUTAL, M., & . ( 2005). Türk Sendikacılığını Çevreleyen Olumsuz Koşullar, Özellikler ve Yeni Bir Yapılanma İhtiyacı. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(5), 11-26. https://doi.org/