Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi

Makalenin Dili

: tr

  • İştar Cengiz Urhanoğlu
Türk Hukukunda Yabancıların İş Sözleşmesi Ehliyeti




Fundamental basis for foreigners to work in Turkey is governed by article 15 of Statute for Residence and Travel of Foreigners in Turkey. In accordance with these rules, foreigners may only work in areas which are not barred for foreigners by law. Required procedure for foreigners in order to work in Turkey is laid down by Statute no. 4817 and its regulatory supplement. There are some limitations in Turkish law in the areas of public security, public health, public order and public good about foreigners who wish to work. Statute for Arts and Services reserved for Turkish Citizens no. 2007 is repealed with the adoption of said statute. Thereby the work areas barred to foreigners are abolished. However some limitations governed by special statutes continue to exist. In this context, fate of the work agreements of foreigners working in Turkey in barred areas without a contract or with a contract contradicting to these limitations must be determined.
Keywords : Foreigners, Contractual Capacity, Working Permission, Working Forbidden, Foreigner Workers.

Kaynak Göster

CENGİZ URHANOĞLU, İ., & . ( 2008). Türk Hukukunda Yabancıların İş Sözleşmesi Ehliyeti. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(19), 187-211. https://doi.org/