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  • Ahmet Gökçe
Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Sağlık Sektörü Çalışanları Üzerindeki Psikososyal Yansımaları: Nitel Bir Araştırma


2019 yılının Aralık ayında başlayarak günümüze kadar geçen sürede Covid-19 salgını dünya çapında milyonlarca insanı etkilemiş, ekonomik ve sosyal problemleri de beraberinde getirmiştir. Covid-19 salgını ile mücadelede ön hatlarda yer alan sağlık çalışanları ise bu süreçte üzerine en fazla yük düşen kesim olmuş, fiziksel ve ruhsal açıdan önemli ölçüde yıpranmışlardır. Bu noktadan hareketle, bu çalışmanın amacı, Covid-19 Pandemi sürecinin sağlık çalışanları üzerinde oluşturduğu psikososyal etkileri tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak 25 sağlık çalışanı ile görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sağlık çalışanlarının 9’u doktor, 5’i hemşire, 5’i paramedik ,2’si ebe, 2’si tıbbi sekreter ve 2’si ise temizlik personeldir ebedir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre psikososyal etkiler stres/depresyon/kaygı, tükenmişlik ve dışlanma olarak belirginlik kazanırken, çalışma ortamı ve koşullarının bu süreçte önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bu doğrultuda, Covid-19 döneminde çalışma ortamı ve koşullarının araştırmaya katılan sağlık çalışanlarını olumsuz etkileyerek onlarda stres ve kaygı bozukluklarına yol açtığı, depresyon belirtilerinin oluşmasına neden olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca sadece mesleklerinden dolayı araştırmaya katılan sağlık çalışanlarına yönelik olarak yoğun bir sosyal dışlanmanın olduğu tespit edilirken, tüm bu etkenlerin ise bireylerde tükenmişlik duygusuna yol açtığı belirlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Covid-19, Sağlık Sektörü, Çalışma Hayatı, Psikososyal Etki.
The Psychosocial Reflections of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers: A Qualitative Study


During the period starting from December 2019 till today, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected millions of people around the world and also brought with it economic and social concerns. In this process, the healthcare workers, who have been at the front lines in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, have been the most overloaded part of the society, and severely exhausted both physically and mentally. Accordingly, this study aims to determine the psychosocial effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic process on healthcare workers. For this purpose, interviews have been carried out with 25 healthcare professionals using the semi-structured interview technique. Out of these healthcare workers, nine are doctors, five are nurses, five are paramedics, two are midwives, two are medical secretaries and two are cleaning staffs. According to the results of the research, psychosocial effects have become evident as stress/depression/anxiety, social exclusion, and burnout, it was seen that the working environment and conditions had a significant effect on this process. In this direction, it has been observed that the working environment and conditions during the Covid-19 period have adversely affected healthcare workers participating in the study, causing them stress and anxiety disorders, and to develop symptoms of depression. Besides, it has been determined that there has been an intense social exclusion for healthcare workers participating in the study only because of their professions, all of these factors leading to the feeling of burnout in individuals.

Extended Summary


Due to the working environment and working conditions, the group with the highest risk of getting diseases such as coronavirus has been the healthcare workers. Despite this risk, healthcare workers continued to fight the disease by risking their lives in all emerging pandemics. However, considering that healthcare professionals are also human beings, they have had to deal with both the frequency of exposure to extreme stress brought about by pandemics and the psychological reflections of such situations for a considerable time. Healthcare workers, who have been at the forefront of the fight against the Covid-19 global pandemic that has been going on for nearly two years, have encountered the constant risk of infection with a higher workload and long working hours. Compared to many other sectors, the lack of remote working opportunities puts healthcare workers at great risk. Accordingly, this study aims to determine the psychosocial effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic process on healthcare workers.


In this qualitative research, we conducted face-to-face interviews via a semi-structured interview technique in the hospitals and health centers serving in the city center and districts of Erzincan in October 2021. In this context, we interviewed 25 healthcare professionals (nine are doctors (four family physicians), five nurses, five paramedics, two midwives, two medical secretaries and two cleaning staffs). Besides, 15 of the healthcare workers participating in the research are females and 10 are males. We benefited from maximum variation sampling in this study, which is one of the purposive sampling methods. While the average age is 37.4 years, the average of being in this profession is about seven years. As a result of a detailed literature review, besides the questions about working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic, other interview questions about depression, anxiety, and stress; life satisfaction, continuous anxiety levels, and burnout also prepared. The interviews were conducted outside of working hours by making an appointment with the participants, and each interview lasted approximately 30-45 minutes. In this context, the phenomenological design, which is one of the qualitative research methods, employed in the research. In the data analysis process, we followed a descriptive way (stress/depression/anxiety, exclusion, burnout, working environment and conditions, coping method).


Within the framework of the findings obtained in the research; we can argue that the pace of work has been intensified compared to the pre-pandemic period. In the classification of this intensity, it has been determined that the size of the unit worked or the size of the residential area is of great importance. Another remarkable finding was that there has been a noticeable increase in the stress levels of the participants. We have observed that increased stress causes negative feelings towards life in people, as well as an increase in depression and anxiety levels. Another finding is that social exclusion/stigma is being applied intensively to healthcare workers during this period. We have observed that this situation is not only limited to healthcare workers but also extended to their families. In another finding, we saw that the participants have intensely been questioning their profession, work, and life, and burnout syndrome has been emerging. In the last finding, regarding the management of negative situations during the Covid-19 Pandemic period, it was observed that most of the participants tried to relax by devoting their time to their families, while others tried to minimise the destructive effects of this period by various exercises (yoga, meditation, etc.). Again, it was observed that many of the participants tried to get away from the devastating effect created in the working environment by methods such as reading books, watching TV series and movies.


In this study, we attempted to examine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers working in a province. Our major results are as follows: 1- we determined that the working environment and working conditions in the Covid-19 period have negatively affected healthcare workers, 2- it was observed that during the pandemic, stress and anxiety levels in healthcare workers increased, depression symptoms were visible, and in some cases, outbursts of anger were inevitable, 3- with the Covid-19 pandemic, we observed that social stigmatization/exclusion behaviors, which correspond to the concept of rejection due to their negative characteristics, reoccur around the infected people and their families, healthcare workers, and their families. Finally, a large part of healthcare workers have experienced burnout during this period.

Keywords : Covid-19, Healthcare Sector, Working Life, Psychosocial Impact.

Kaynak Göster

GÖKÇE, A., & . ( 2022). Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Sağlık Sektörü Çalışanları Üzerindeki Psikososyal Yansımaları: Nitel Bir Araştırma. Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(74), 1833-1860. https://doi.org/10.54752/ct.1141947