Economics and Law Journal

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: TR
  • Bengü Kurtege Sefer
Women’s Cooperatives, Civil Society Organizations and Female Labour Power in Rural Development


Many international organizations on a global scale, in accordance with sustainable development goals, aim to achieve gender equality and to create new employment opportunities such as entrepreneurship for rural women through women’s cooperatives in agriculture.Under the influence of this cooperative movement on gender equality and rural women’s empowerment, governments, civil society organizations and development agencies have begun take steps to support these cooperatives in Turkey. In Turkey, macro policies towards women’s cooperatives consider these organizations as enterprises and support rural women entrepreneurship. These policies ignore the local barriers and power relations in front of rural women’s entrepreneurship and prioritize economic empowerment over social, and psychological dimensions of empowerment. The article will draw on data gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews with the members of civil society organizations (The Foundation for The Support of Women’s Work (KEDV), Women’s Labour and Employment Initiative (KEİG) and Ozyegin University Foundation for Rural Development (Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kırsal Kalkınma Vakfı) and the reports and publications of these organizations. It was a part of a research project on empowerment experiences of rural women in agricultural cooperatives, that was conducted in 2019-2020. Drawing on the analysis of the interviews and publications, interactions between civil society organizations and women’s cooperatives will be explained in relation to macro policies. For this purpose, different approaches of non-governmental organizations to macro policies and their activities targeting rural women’s cooperatives will be elaborated. In current context, where the government has excluded women’s organizations from policy-making processes and puts pressure on them, this article is aimed to show the opportunities of these organizations to create political maneuvering areas against the dominant empowerment approach towards women’s cooperatives. In addition, how the workers of civil society organizations position rural women, self-reflexivity and its impacts on the design and implementation processes of their activities for women’s cooperatives will enable us to explain why top-down sustainable development projects have to be doomed to failure. Finally, the evaluation of the activities will provide us with the opportunity to discuss how women’s cooperatives integrate female labour power to the processes of capitalist production apart from entrepreneurship, how organizations intervene
Keywords : Women’s cooperatives, rural women and labour, development, macro politics, social and economic empowerment, and civil society organizations.


Civil society organizations have become significant implementers of rural development projects aiming to empower rural women through entrepreneurship, cooperatives, and microcredit initiatives since the 1990s. In this article, based on a data gathered from field research in 2019-2020, ‘‘Rethinking Women’s Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Empowerment in Turkey,’’ I examined different approaches of NGOs to macro policies, women’s cooperatives and rural women labour power. Drawing on the content analysis of semi-structured interviews with the members of civil society organizations, particularly The Foundation for The Support of Women’s Work (KEDV), Women’s Labour and Employment Initiative (KEİG) and Ozyegin University Foundation for Rural Development (Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kırsal Kalkınma Vakfı), and the reports and publications of these organizations, I interpreted to what extent they actively contest the macro policies that associate women’s cooperatives with entrepreneurship and prioritize economic empowerment. Instead of prototyping the NGOs as passive implementers of macro policies, I drew attention different levels of (dis)agreement with these policies. How they contest the claims of macro policies through their activities, to what extent they affect the processes of policy making and how these organizations differ from each other in terms of their approaches to women’s organizations are vital questions to understand the complexity of relations between civil society organizations, women, and state policies. By answering these questions, this article critically assesses the perspectives and activities of civil society organizations regarding women’s cooperatives.

All the NGOs have different perspectives on macro policies, women’s cooperatives and affect the policy making processes in different ways. KEDV established in 1986 directly aligns with macro state policies and conducts a Women’s Empowerment and Cooperatives program. It gives leadership, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship education to women and assumes that women will be economically, socially and psychologically empowered in the cooperatives. This organization is invited to the panels organized by the ministries, and it is actively involved in the policy making. KEİG was established by 32 women’s organizations from 16 cities in 2006 and it takes a completely different stance towards macro policies. In its policy-oriented publications and reports, it criticizes high establishing costs for women’s cooperatives, insufficient financial support, and unfavorable working conditions for the members of the cooperatives. Lastly, Ozyegin University Rural Foundation Development uses a holistic and multi-dimensional approach to rural development and cooperatives and criticizes top-to-down projects. For this organization, ecological, social, and economic dimensions of rural development must be taken into accounts while designing and implementing the projects. It makes policy recommendations to the development agencies to consider these dimensions and provide long lasting financial support to women’s cooperatives.

However, as seen in the Kavar Basin project of Ozyegin University Foundation of Rural Development, women were not able to actively participate in the design and implementation processes of market-oriented rural development projects. Although this project targeted at teaching rural women beekeeping and selling honey through the cooperative, women were blamed for low sale in the market. Instead, in accordance with gender expectations, they were asked to produce handicrafts by the foundation and male members of the cooperative. However, for women, this was a patriarchal and market-oriented add-and-stir up project. In this project, rural women did not generate regular income, and did not have any control over the amount and price of the product. In addition, since women experienced family-work conflict, they were not capable of producing handicrafts to sell in the cooperatives, and they decided to withdraw from the home-based production. This case shows us how rural development projects are doomed to fail when they gender-blindly regulate women’s labour power and the cooperatives.

Furthermore, civil society organizations use different discourses and their interactions with women’s cooperatives are directly influenced by the geographical locations of the cooperatives. On the one hand, KEDV, in line with the macro policy of the state, establishes a form of power over women’s cooperatives from different geographical regions through entrepreneurship-focused training programs. On the other hand, KEİG uses a different language when interpreting and representing women’s cooperatives. For this organization, the cooperatives in the East are considered as the embodiments of an alternative solidarity economy. But women’s cooperatives in the Western regions are seen as unsustainable organizations that promote entrepreneurship and market-oriented production. Both civil society organizations homogenize the women’s experiences in cooperatives. By doing that, they regulate a dialogue between the cooperatives and make impossible to explain different experiences of women in the cooperatives across the country. New research on NGO activities targeting women’s cooperatives such as the meetings, training courses, project writing and evaluation activities, and financial supports provide better understanding of contested claims of the NGOs on rural development, female labor, and women’s cooperatives in Turkey.

Kırsal Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği, Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları ve Kadın Kooperatifleri


Küresel ölçekte pek çok uluslararası kuruluş tarım alanında kadın kooperatifleşmesiyle sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri kapsamında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği sağlanmasını ve kırsal kadınlara girişimcilik gibi yeni istihdam olanakları yaratılmasını hedeflemektedir. Türkiye’de de hükümet, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve diğer kalkınma birimleri, kırsal kadını güçlendirme ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği sağlamaya yönelik bu kooperatifçilik hareketinin etkisi altında kalarak kadın kooperatiflerinin kurulmasına yönelik uygulamalarda bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de kadın kooperatiflerine yönelik makro politikalarda, kooperatifler işletme olarak görülmekte ve kooperatifleşme kadın girişimciliğiyle bağdaştırılmaktadır. Bu politikalar kırda kadın girişimciliği önündeki engelleri ve güç ilişkilerini görmezden gelmekte, ekonomik güçlenmeyi sosyal ve psikolojik güçlenmeden üstün görmektedir. Bu makalede, 2019-2020 yıllarında tarım alanında faaliyet gösteren kadın kooperatiflerinde kadınların güçlenme deneyimlerine ilişkin yürüttüğüm proje kapsamında kadın kooperatifleriyle etkileşim içerisinde olan KEDV, KEİG ve Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kırsal Kalkınma Vakfı üyeleriyle yaptığım yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine mülakatların ve bu kuruluşların rapor ve yayınlarının içerik analizi yapılacak ve sivil toplum kuruluşları ve kadın kooperatifleri arasındaki etkileşimler makro politikalarla ilişkili olarak analiz edilecektir. Bu amaçla, hem sivil toplum kuruluşlarının kadın kooperatifleşmesine yönelik makro politikalara ilişkin farklı yaklaşımları irdelenecektir, hem de kadın kooperatiflerinde kadınların karşılaştıkları sorunları çözmeye yönelik yürüttükleri faaliyetler ele alınacaktır. Bu analizle; iktidarın kadın kuruluşlarını politika yapım süreçlerinden dışladığı ve baskı altına aldığı günümüz bağlamında, bu kuruluşların yürüttükleri faaliyetlerle kadınların kooperatifleşmesine yönelik egemen güçlendirme yaklaşımına karşı politik manevra alanları yaratmalarının imkân ve sınırlılıklarını gösterilecektir. Ayrıca sivil toplum kuruluşu üyelerinin kırsal kadınları nasıl konumlandırdıkları ve bunun kadın kooperatiflerine yönelik faaliyetlerinin tasarım ve uygulama süreçleri üzerindeki etkisi tepeden inmeci sürdürülebilir kalkınma projelerinin neden başarısız olduğunu anlamamızı sağlayacaktır. Son olarak sivil toplum kuruluşlarının yürüttükleri faaliyetlerin değerlendirmesi, kadın kooperatiflerinde kadın emeğinin girişimcilik dışında kapitalist üretim süreçlerine nasıl dahil edildiklerini, bu işleyişe kuruluşların nasıl müdahale ettiklerini ve ne ölçüde dönüştürmeye çalıştıklarını tartışma imkânı sunacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler : ÖZKadın kooperatifleri, kırsal kadınlar ve emek, kalkınma, makro politikalar, sosyal ve ekonomik güçlenme, sivil toplum kuruluşları

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KURTEGE SEFER, B., & . ( 2024). Women’s Cooperatives, Civil Society Organizations and Female Labour Power in Rural Development. Çalışma ve Toplum, 1(80), 93-126.