Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: TR
  • Gülsevil Alpagut
The Right of the Party Terminating the Contract of Employment with Just Cause to Claim Compensation


Termination with just cause constitutes one form of the termination of the contract of employment as a continuous liability relation. Termination of the contract of employment with just cause is regulated in Article 435 of Turkish Code of Obligations and Article 24 and 25 of Labour Act. The right of the party terminating the contract with just cause to claim compensation is regulated in Article 437 of Turkish Code of Obligations and Article 26 (2) of Labour Act. However, both provisions have not become functional in practice. In comparative legal systems, it is also observed that the right to claim compensation is conferred on the party who terminates the contract of employment due to the non-compliance of the other party with the contract. In fact, these regulations are the appearance of the principles of general law of damages in labour law. The right to claim compensation is recognised both for the employee and employer terminating the contract. However, the provisions regarding the job security are taken into account in order to determine the extent of damage when the contract is terminated by the employee. The loss of benefiting from the job security provisions is regarded as a loss item in cases where the employee is forced to terminate the contract due to the employer’s culpable violation of the contract. It is aimed with this study to evaluate Article 437 of Turkish Code of Obligations and Article 26 (2) of Labour Act and within the framework of this evaluation German, French and English law and Swiss Code of Obligations are addressed comparatively.
Keywords : Termination with just cause, Dismissal, Constructive dismissal, Compensation, Job security


Termination with just cause constitutes one form of the termination of the contract of employment as a continuous liability relation. Termination of the contract of employment with just cause is regulated in Article 435 of Turkish Code of Obligations and Article 24 and 25 of Labour Act. In the Article 437 (1) of Turkish Code of Obligations, the right of the party terminating the contract of employment to claim compensation due to the non-compliance of the other party with the contract is regulated. The paragraph regulates the culpable breach of the contract and total compensation of the loss is prescribed. In the Article 437 (2) of Turkish Code of Obligations, the cases where the termination with just cause is not based on the culpability of the other party or the cases where both parties are culpable are regulated. In accordance with the Article, the judge evaluates the pecuniary consequences of the termination with just cause considering all the circumstances and conditions. Since there is no special provision in Maritime Labour Act and Press Labour Act regarding the issue, the Article 437 of Turkish Code of Obligations applies in terms of both Acts.
The employee or employer terminating the contract of employment with just cause has the right to claim compensation in accordance with the Article 26 (2) of Labour Act. In comparative legal systems, it is also observed that the right to claim compensation is conferred on the party who terminates the contract of employment due to the non- compliance of the other party with the contract. In fact, these regulations are the appearance of the principles of general law of damages in labour law.Temporal limitation regarding the right to claim compensation is the ending of the date agreed in the fixed-term contract of employment. In other words, the benefits that the party terminating the contract with just cause would have gained if the contract ordinarily expired at the end of its term are taken into account. As for the permanent contract of employment, the period of notice constitutes the temporal limitation. The benefits which can be gained in case of the termination of the contract with notice are considered in the determination of the compensation. Regarding the employee’s termination of employment contract with just cause, the provisions of job security should be taken into account in relation to the compensation of the loss suffered by the employee, who is compelled to terminate the contract as in the comparative law.

İş Sözleşmesini Haklı Nedenle Fesheden Tarafın Tazminat Talep Hakkı


Sürekli borç ilişkisi olarak iş sözleşmesinin sona erme hallerinden birini haklı nedenle derhal fesih oluşturur. İş sözleşmesini haklı nedenle fesih hakkı TBK m. 435 ile İşK m. 24 ve 25 hükümlerinde düzenlenmiş ve TBK m. 437 ile İşK m. 26/2’de iş sözleşmesini haklı nedenle fesheden tarafın tazminat talep hakkı düzenlenmiştir. Ancak her iki hüküm de uygulamada işlerlik kazanmamıştır. Karşılaştırmalı hukuk sistemlerinde de iş sözleşmesini karşı tarafın sözleşmeye aykırılığı nedeniyle fesheden tarafa tazminat talep hakkının tanındığı görülmektedir. Esasen bu düzenlemeler genel tazminat hukukuna ilişkin esasların iş hukukundaki görünümüdür. Tazminat talep hakkı hem işveren hem de işçi tarafından yapılan fesihler bakımından geçerlidir. Ancak işçi tarafından yapılan fesihlerde zararın miktarı tespit edilirken iş güvencesi hükümleri dikkate alınmaktadır. İşverenin sözleşmeyi kusurlu ihlali nedeniyle işçinin feshe zorlandığı hallerde iş güvencesi hükümlerinden yararlanmanın kaybı zarar kalemi olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile Türk Hukukunda TBK m. 437 ve 26/2 hükümlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmakta, değerlendirme yapılırken Alman, Fransız ve İngiliz Hukuku ile İsviçre Borçlar Kanunu karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler : ÖZHaklı nedenle fesih, İşten çıkarma, İştenayrılmaya zorlama, Tazminat, İş güvencesi

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ALPAGUT, G., & . ( 2022). The Right of the Party Terminating the Contract of Employment with Just Cause to Claim Compensation. Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(74), 1733-1767.