Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Meryem Koray


In the paper, after it is stated that there is no doubt about the reality of globalization process, it is examined with a critical point of view by drawing attention to the fact of the problem of how to explain this process is stil so controversial. The discussion is aimed to be put into consideration with two basic arguments: The first one is based on the reality of despite globalization has various dimensions, the dimension of “market globalization” leads among them in terms of the problems it causes; but this argument doesn’t see enough any explainings such as market or even capital globalization to reflect the reality. Therefore, the market globalization is discussed, just like the other concepts being used in our life, as a conceptualization reflecting both the reality and also hiding it and the necessity of questioning the ideology that it is based on as much as the concept of globalization itself and the rethoric it uses. The second discussion is about defining the basic characteristics of “market” globalization
“Reel” Küreselleşme veya Küreselleşmenin Realitesi


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KORAY, M., & . ( 2005). “Reel” Küreselleşme veya Küreselleşmenin Realitesi. Çalışma ve Toplum, 4(7), 11-46.