As a result of economic developments took place in the last three decades around the world, labour law has begun to be discussed. At the core of these discussions, the idea that the labour law should be transformed is lying. By this transformation it is assumed that job creation will be realised. The point that needs to be emphasized is whether the labour law really has an effect on creating new jobs. In other words, is it possible to overrule the economic struggle, diminish unemployment fact and besides those create new job opportunities by transformation, meaning de-regulation, of labour law? This attitude claims to renounce the historical acquisitions achieved by labour law like promoting fundamental rights and security to workers. On the other hand, the actual status of working life is not far away than it used to be at the ‘epoch of Industrial Revolution’. As an example, child labour, excessive working hours, health and safety at work are still constituting the main problems of labour law. Effective protection, sanctions and supervision mechanisms may be able to provide jobs that are compatible with the concept of ‘decent work’ with an effective labour law system. Otherwise, the idea that the labour law will become flexible and create jobs may cause new problems in terms of social and legal aspects
Keywords : Efficiency, purpose of Labour Law, inspection, flexibility, job creation