Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Zeynep Şişli


“Occupational Health Care Practitioner” is the employee that has the “medical qualificiation” and is obligatorily hired by employer in order to supply the occupational health care tasks by the requirement of employer‘s “responsibility to protect workers” covered in Code of Work line 81. In workplaces that do not have an obligation for employing a full-time occupational health care practitioner, occupational health care practitioners are employed due to the parttime employment contract. The main topics covered in this study are the seniority and informing compensation rights of the part-time occupational health care practitioner due to the cancellation of employment contract and investigation of the legal situation. In the introduction part, general assessment on conditions of occupational health care practition in Turkey and occupational health care practitioners serving part-time take place. In the first part, prohibition about discrimination against the part-time workers and its criteria, as well as part-time employment are explained in terms of law. In the second part, part-time occupational health care practitioner‘s rights of seniority and informing compensations are discussed upon the base of their effects on professional independence, by the guidance of problems encountered in practice and Supreme Court’s decisions. In the final part it is concluded that, providing part-time occupational health care practitioner‘s rights of informing compensation and seniority compensation while reinforcing them, is the reassurance of professional independence in covering occupational health care tasks and is required according to workers’ law principles.
Kısmi Süreli Çalışan İşyeri hekiminin Kıdem ve İhbar Tazminatı Hakları


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ŞİŞLİ, Z., & . ( 2007). Kısmi Süreli Çalışan İşyeri hekiminin Kıdem ve İhbar Tazminatı Hakları. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(13), 95-119.