According to seafarer market analyses made by international organisations , it is estimated that there will be a large deficit in the supply-demand balance in the future. It is necessary to increase the attractiveness of the maritime profession in order to ensure that qualified seafarers do not leave the maritime profession and to ensure the continuity of seafarers who decide to have a maritime career. In this context, IMO tries to encourage people to work at sea by organising various campaigns. Besides this, improved living and working conditions on board sets an incentive for a career at sea. MLC was created by IMO and ILO to improve the working and living conditions of seafarers working on board.
Türkiye has not yet ratified the MLC. However, Turkish Flag ships going to the ports of the countries that have already ratified the MLC and inspected at PSC within the requirements of the MLC.
This research seeks to find the deficiencies reported in PSC inspections of Turkish-flagged ships and to provide solutions. Within this study, a total 376 Paris MoU PSC inspection reports to 351 ships with deficiencies over a six -year period and total 584 deficiencies within MLC were examined and classified.
When the inspection reports are examined regarding MLC deficiencies, it is seen that the average age of the ships is 23.8. In order to meet the required standards within MLC, it is necessary to discard old ships from the fleet, and reduce the average age of the fleet or rejuvenate the fleet with extensive shipyard work. Credit advantages should be provided in order to purchase newly built ships. With the incentives to be provided for shipbreaking, old ships should be scrapped, and companies should be encouraged to supply new ships.
When the inspection ports where deficiencies are reported are examined , it is seen that there are numerous ports of countries at close distance to Turkiye. Considering this ship type and the ports where the deficiencies are detected, it has been determined that the ships carrying out coastal voyages have deficiencies within the MLC.
The MLC Convention consists of 5 titles. The rules of “Minimum Requirements for Seafarers to Work on Ship”, which is stated in the first title of the inspections, is a title related to the seaworthiness of the ship and since it is strictly inspected by the flag state, not many deficiencies have been detected. As a result of this, it is seen that the Türkiye has the necessary legal regulation on the issues related to the first title, which covers the responsibilities of the state within the scope of the MLC.
Considering the number of deficiencies arising from the ” Conditions of Employment” rules stated in the second title within the scope of the MLC, it has been determined that there are fewer deficiencies compared to other titles. However, when the rules in the second title are examined, it is seen that it covers the deficiencies which are connected to denouncements made by seafarers. Considering the deficiencies in other titles, it is not realistic to have so few reports under the second title. In this context, it is thought that the seafarers did not report due to their hesitations. It is necessary to raise the awareness of seafarers and state authorities to inspect companies. In addition, seafarers should be encouraged to be union members and professional organisations .
According to the MLC Convention, one of the most recorded deficiencies of Turkish flagged ships is the “Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food and Catering” rules in Title 3. It is necessary to provide funds and incentives for the companies to create policies and rectify deficiencies by the companies.
The fourth MLC title has the most recorded deficiencies as a result of the inspections on Turkish flagged ships which are ” Health protection, medical care, welfare, and social security protection” rules. Although the most deficiencies are detected, when the reports are examined, it is seen that there are deficiencies due to the rules in the sub-heading of workplace safety and working conditions. In addition, it is not easy to detect deficiencies in social security and occupational accidents without denunciation. Seafarers perceive the seafaring profession as a difficult one because of the incapacity for work or occupational diseases they have suffered because of accidents on board. In order for this perception to change and for them to learn about their rights, verbal training of deck and engine ratings should include information on these issues.
In addition to this situation, it is necessary to pave the way for unionisation and membership to professional chambers with
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